What is GMAT Exam?
Why should you give a GMAT Exam? Some quick benefits:
- Most top Universities and Business Schools across the world require a GMAT. If your score is good, your chances of admissions definitely rise
- Good GMAT Score boosts your chances of achieving scholarships
- Visa officers, we believe, give good weightage to a good GMAT score amongst all other factors, thereby increasing your chances of getting the visa All about GMAT:
All about GMAT
GMAT Exam Type: Computer based standardized test
GMAT Exam Administrator: Graduate Management Admission Council
Skills Tested: Quantitative
Verbal Reasoning
Integrated Reasoning
Analytical Writing
Duration: 3.5 Hours to for all the Sections
4 hours
Approximately (including Breaks)
/ Grade Range: Quantitative Reasoning ‒ 0 to 60, in 1 point
Verbal Reasoning – 0 to 51, in 1 point increments
Integrated Reasoning ‒ 1 to 8, in 1 point increments
Writing – 0 to 6, in 0.5 increments.
Good GMAT Exam Score:
650 + (We would love to see students getting 700 +. Don’t panic if you
get less. There are many Universities which accept score of above 500
to 550 or higher too)
GMAT Score
Validity: 5 Years
GMAT Exam Dates: Multiple Times
a Year | Advice to book the Test 2 Months in advance
Location: 600 Centers in 114 Countries
Eligibility Criteria: No Official Requirement | The Exam is intended
for students who wish to pursue their MBA, Master’s, and Doctoral
programs in Management related field.
GMAT Score accepted by: More
than 2100 Universities & Business Schools all around the world.
Primarily, it is required by US Universities for MBA and MS
(Management related programs like MS Marketing, MS Finance, etc.).
Some top Universities in UK, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Spain and
in more Countries accept the GMAT
GMAT Exam Test Takers: About 250,000 students per
GMAT Exam Fees: USD 250
Mode of Registration: Online.
Documents Required: Original and Valid Passport is the identification
document for Indian Students
GMAT Exam Section | No. of Questions | Duration |
Quantitative Reasoning | 37 | 75 Minutes |
Verbal Reasoning | 41 | 75 Minutes |
Integrated Reasoning | 12 | 30 Minutes |
Analytical Writing Assessment | N/A | 30 Minutes |
- GMAT Exam – Quantitative Reasoning
The quantitative section of the GMAT seeks to measure the ability to reason quantitatively, solve quantitative problems, interpret graphic data, and analyze and use information given in a problem. Questions require knowledge of certain algebra, geometry, and arithmetic not greater than what was generally taught in secondary school classes. There are two types of quantitative questions: problem solving and data sufficiency. The use of calculators is not allowed, though the test centers do provide a wet erase pen along with a laminated graph paper do their calculations. Scores range from 0 to 60, although GMAC only reports scores between 6 and 51. The duration allotted to solve the Quantitative Section is 75 Minutes with 37 questions to be answered.
- GMAT Exam – Quantitative Reasoning – Problem Solving
This tests the quantitative reasoning ability of the examinee. Problem‒solving questions present multiple‒choice problems in arithmetic, basic algebra, and elementary geometry. The task is to solve the problems and choose the correct answer from among five answer choices. Some problems will be plain mathematical calculations; the rest will be presented as real life word problems that will require mathematical solutions.
Numbers: All numbers used are real numbers
Figures: The diagrams and figures that accompany these questions are for the purpose of providing useful information in answering the questions. Unless it is stated that a specific figure is not drawn to scale, the diagrams and figures are drawn as accurately as possible. All figures are in a plane unless otherwise indicated
- GMAT Exam – Quantitative Reasoning – Data Sufficiency
This tests the quantitative reasoning ability using an unusual set of directions. The examinee is given a question with two associated statements that provide information that might be useful in answering the question. The examinee must then determine whether either statement alone is sufficient to answer the question; whether both are needed to answer the question; or whether there is not enough information given to answer the question. Data sufficiency is a unique type of math question created especially for the GMAT. Each item consists of the questions itself followed by two numbered statements.
- If statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient
- If statement 2 alone is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient
- If both statements together are needed to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient
- If either statement by itself is sufficient to answer the question
- If not enough facts are given to answer the question
- Perhaps the easiest way to fully internalize the scope of these questions is to replace the word ‘is’ with the words ‘must be’ – the questions are not asking whether an answer is possible, but rather, whether it ‘must’ be the case
- GMAT Exam – Verbal Reasoning
GMAT ensures to asses every skill of the Test Taker beyond Math. The Verbal Section measures your ability to read, asses and evaluate arguments in standard English. It also involves sentence correction in standard written English. Again the score ranges from 0 to 51, however they only report scores from 6 ‒ 51. The 41 questions types are further classified into three types
- Reading Comprehension
- Critical Reasoning
- Sentence Correction
GMAT – Verbal Reasoning – Reading Comprehension ‒ It is a combination of interpretive, applied and inference questions. Let’s look at what the GMAT team assesses in these set of questions
- Understanding of the reading passage
- Logical relationships of the concepts in the Reading passage
- Drawing inferences from the facts stated in the passage
- Author’s point of view and proposed arguments
GMAT‒ Verbal Reasoning ‒ Critical Reasoning
The Critical Reasoning section analyzes your reasoning skills in making arguments and evaluating next course of action. Let’s understand the bull’s eye to crack this set.
- Case Structure
- Case Evaluation
- Plan of Action
GMAT – Verbal Reasoning ‒ Sentence Correction
As simple as GMAT sentence correction may sound, it can be equally deceptive and tricky! The best part and worst part of this section is that you will be given five options for the construction of a sentence. You have to choose the correct construction as per the standards of written English language. Multiple choice does seem easy but it can be confusing as well – Ensure your basics are well sorted.
- GMAT – Integrated Reasoning
Integrated Reasoning was introduces as a Section from June 2012 onwards to derive the test takers ability to evaluate data presented in multiple formats from multiple sources. The section was mainly introduced with the current need of the data-driven world. It consists of 12 questions with multiple sub-questions within them. The duration of this section is 30 Minutes and the scoring is in the range of 0 – 8. There are four formats in which the questions are presented:
Graphic Interpretation
Two-part Analysis
Table Analysis
Multi – Source reasoning
- GMAT – Analytical Writing Assessment
The Analytical Writing Assessment is all about your perspective or your take on a given argument. It enables the Exam Team to analyze your critical thinking abilities and your communication to express your ideas. The Test taker has 3o minutes to complete the essay which is evaluated and allotted two independent ratings. The first rating is given by a computerized evaluation and the second is given by the GMAC Examiner. The Examiner is not aware of the rating given by the computerized evaluation. If the ratings differ for more than one point, the entire essay id re-evaluated by a expert reader to resolve the discrepancies. The Essay is graded in the range of 0 to 6 where 1 is the minimum score and 6 being the Maximum. Let’s take a look at the description of these scores
Essay Score | Description |
1 | Essay is Deficient |
2 | Essay is Flawed |
3 | Essay is Limited |
4 | Essay is Adequate |
5 | Essay is Good |
6 | Essay is Outstanding |
Hyderabad | Ahmedabad |
Bangalore | Bhubaneshwar |
Chennai | Cochin |
Coimbatore | Gurgaon |
Guwahati | Hyderabad |
Indore | Jaipur |
Kolkata | Lucknow |
Manipal | Mohali |
Nagpur | New Delhi |
Patiala | Pune |
Ranchi | Tiruchirappali |
Vellore | Vijayawada |
Vishakapatnam |
The Test takers may register online or you can get in touch with the Admitworld Team to guide you through. Call on +91 9000133877 to solve your queries. There multiple dates all around the year for you to take your GMAT Exam. Remember we recommend you to book at least 2 months in advance. All applicants are required to carry their passports, driver’s license, or other valid ID to the examination hall without which he or she will not be allowed to take the GMAT exam
The Total GMAT Score ranges from 200 to 800 and measures performance on the quantitative and verbal sections together. The other two section Integrated Reasoning & Analytical Writing Assessment are scored separately. The score are given in increments of 10 , For Eg, 650, 670, and so on…!
The quantitative and verbal sections comprise a computer-adaptive test. The first question may be difficult. The next few questions in each section may be around the 500 level. If the examinee answers correctly, the next questions are harder. If the examinee answers incorrectly, the next questions are easier. The questions are pulled from a large pool of questions and delivered depending on the student’s running score. These questions are regularly updated to prevent them from being compromised by students recording questions.
Based on the level of difficulty of questions that you generally get correct, you will be given raw scores (on a scale of 51) in QA as well as VA section. These raw scores will translate into your GMAT score. For example, Q51 and V45 converts to a GMAT score of 770. You will get this score immediately after the test. However, the score in AWA is sent in 4-7 business days through e-mail. In AWA, you are scored on a scale of 6.0 and this score is separate from your ‘GMAT‘ score. All scores and cancellations in the past 5 years will be on a student’s score report, a change from the previous policy of the last three scores and cancellations being kept on the score report.
On the test day, after you have finished the test you are prompted if you want to see the results. Scores can be cancelled before coming out of the test. In this case, your scores will not be sent to the Schools you have selected. After previewing his/her unofficial GMAT score, a GMAT test taker has two minutes to decide whether to keep or cancel the GMAT score. A cancelled score can be retrieved within 60 days for a fee of $100. After 60 days a cancelled score is not retrievable.
Cancellation of your GMAT Exam:
Has to be changed completely due to the 7 full calendar days and within 7 days clause
- Intimation is to be given to GMAC 7 days prior to the examination date. If you cancel your test appointment at least 7 full calendar days in advance of the date and time of your appointment, you will receive a partial refund of US$ 80
- If you cancel your appointment within seven full calendar days of your scheduled test date and time, the entire registration fee will be forfeited
- The cancellation refund is subject to change without notice
Rescheduling your GMAT Exam Date:
Has to be changed completely due to the 7 full calendar days and within 7 days clause
- Intimation is to be given to GMAC 7 days prior to the examination date
- Appointments rescheduled at least 7 full calendar days before the original appointment will incur an additional fee of $50
- Appointments rescheduled within 7 calendar days of the original appointment will be charged $250, which means that the original testing fee will be forfeited
- The rescheduling fee is subject to change without notice
Retaking your GMAT Exam :
You may retake the GMAT exam once every 16 calendar days (Once a month), but no more than five times in a year. You can determine the date you may retake the exam by entering your current or most recent test date
- Difficulty Levels:GMAT is a computer adaptive test and thus, the level of difficulty of questions increases if you are doing well and decreases if you are not doing well
- Skipping Questions:You cannot skip any questions. You cannot go back to previous questions. Be doubly sure of what you wish to answer
- Importance of Questions:First few questions are very important as your raw scores fluctuate a lot in the beginning. Towards the end, the scoring system is relatively less sensitive. Hence, while all questions are important, the first 10 to 15 questions in each section are relatively more important
- Attempt All Questions:On GMAT, you are penalized more for not attempting questions than for incorrectly answering them. Therefore, ensure to attempt all questions. And if you are running short of time, make sure to randomly mark all the questions
- Know Your Universities Beforehand:Before you start with the test, you will be asked to name five schools to which your GMAT scores are supposed to be forwarded. For every additional school, you need to pay US $28. Hence, please be prepared with name of five schools to which you would like to forward your score (Really, you should be finishing your counseling before you do the test. This would save you some money)
- Retaking GMAT Test: Not a very wise idea! Avoid multiple attempts please. You would be wasting US $250 each time. More importantly, GMAC sends all scores of GMAT attempts in last 5 years, to your selected schools. Thus, your University will know that you have been trying and not doing better perhaps
- Cancel Your Score:After you finish your test, the system would ask you whether you would like to see your score. If you are certain that you have messed up in the test, you can select ‘not’ to see the results. In such a case, your test would be deleted and no score would be sent to any schools
- Dummy Questions:Nearly 20% to 30% questions that you see on GMAT would be dummy questions and you would not be scored on them. However, there is no way to identify such questions and you should attempt all questions with equal seriousness
- Scratch Paper:You are not allowed to bring any sheets of paper to the GMAT test center but are provided scratch paper by the center. You should make effective use of this to make quick notes for yourself or for solving math questions
GMAT preparation is one of the first steps when you are embarking on the journey on making a great academic career.
We offer:
- Experienced faculty with over a decade of experience to make your GMAT preparation intellectually rich
- GMAT practice test – unlimited no. of tests
- Unlimited doubt solving sessions
- Customized and planned GMAT syllabus, solving techniques, additional time for GMAT sentence correction, GMAT mock tests, and more.
Enroll now for our GMAT preparation pack. Call +91 9000133877 (between 10am and 7pm – Mon to Sat)
Admitworld’s GMAT Test Tips (Quick Tips)
- Be more cautious in the first 10 questions. But note that each question is important
- Do not get stuck with on one question for too long. Don’t let few difficult questions on GMAT decide the fate of your entire score
- If you believe that the questions are difficult, you are doing well. Thumb rule! Enjoy the test
- If you think that you are not doing well, simply stop and relax for a minute or two. Take a deep breath and start afresh; stop regretting
- Make sure to attempt all questions
- Take all breaks. Carry something to eat with you (like juice and / or chocolates). It is a long test. It is meant to test you
- Test environment generally makes one nervous. Concentration with a relaxed attitude is the key
Admitworld provides coaching for GMAT. For further details kindly contact us on +91 9000133877